Tuesday, October 2, 2007


About a week ago, Sandy H. Came to pick up some stuff that his sister had left with me. Namely a bunch of mason jars, a few books, and two wooden xylophones that he had made years earlier.

He arrived in his usual beat-up pickup, complete with the plethora of bumper stickers on the back. He was wearing on old tie-dyed tee-shirt; I don't remember what it said on the front.

Sandy lives in the hills of eastern Tennessee. There, he works as a carpenter, waiting for capitalism to self-destruct.

He comes to Nashville from time to time. He brought me a pumpkin (or squash, I can't tell which). I put it in the oven, and it was good.

We talked for a long time on my porch. About almost everything. Economics, diet, asthma.

He's a remarkably intelligent and likable person, much like his sister.

I hope he comes by again.


Rhubarb said...

did he try to sell you his chocolate-making business? he asked me if i knew anyone who'd be interested...

Anonymous said...

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